Monday, February 6, 2012

Who's willing?

Who's willing to be on the team of Mod volunteers to test the new lippies that are coming out and complete a survey? Your most honest feedback is truly appreciated....which color are you?

INTRODUCING....."Liquid Lipstick" .....its lipstick in a tube...lipstick in liquid form....

Are you feeling like a little fierce kitty cat? Name of this color is "the cat's meow"

This color reflects different shades of pink, lavender, and slight blue hues, great for a effortless ponytail day, Uggs, and some gold hoops....this "first ladies" lippie is called "Prima Donna"
Or you may be feeling like you need a much needed vacay.....picture yourself laying out on the beach in Jamaica, Montego Bay, or St. Thomas.....well for now we will keep it in the States so I think I will call you "Summer in Miami"...a beautiful orange with gold undertones
Where my vintage, classic, original, and rip mod gyrls at? You are sure to love this antique pearl called "Vintage Pearl"
Look at all of these ladies, each lady has her own personality, swag, and mood but most of all, all of these ladies are #Mod
What's your Mod personality?


  1. Hmmm I kno I'm Prima Donna! *giggles* Vintage pearl is a classic & so am I as well..hmmm & the cat can I guess I'm that too! I'm always ready to I hav to get summer in miami for when I am in miami!--sissy nesh!

  2. Mel, I would love to rep the New England region and give you feedbk. I love all the colors. Tell me a cost so i can try. Call me so we can discuss further. I love how God is using you in this venue.

  3. Mel, I would love to rep the New England region and give you feedbk. I love all the colors. Tell me a cost so i can try. Call me so we can discuss further. I love how God is using you in this venue.

  4. Omg, I am definitely a Miami Chic, fun in the sun all day, everyday!!!!
